Pikachu and Eievui Café in Sapporo

(Japanese translation below)
PARCO Sapporo, in collaboration with the Nintendo Switch software game "Pocket Monsters Let's Go! Pikachu Let’s Go! Eievui” created the cafe "Let's Go! Pikachu and Eievui" located inside the "Guest, Café & Diner"!
This café was a reconstruction of the game and scenario based on "Pocket Monster Pikachu" which was released as Game Boy software in 1998. By combining the features of Nintendo Switch and "Pokémon GO" it became "Pocket Monster" which allows a completely new experience.
The café was open for a limited time from October 27 to December 25, 2018 at the PARCO Department Store in Sapporo. This café was also open for a limited time in Fukuoka, Ikebukuro, Osaka and Nagoya. This collaboration café had cute menus of Pikachu, Eievui and many game characters.
Many Pokémon characters welcomed customers throughout the café. All the menus in the shop were in the shape of a big monster ball. There were six kinds of Pikachu and Eievui on the menu. The dishes at the café were doria, ramen, beef stew, pudding and parfait and so on. The drink menu included Pikachu and Eievui Latte (hot or ice), soda drinks and jelly drinks.
There were eight kinds of latte in all. A free gift came with some dishes. There were many café -only goods inside the shop. Among them were original illustrations only on sale in the café. These included key holders, mugs, clear files, T-shirts and more. There was a photo spot outside the café so anyone could enjoy taking pictures with Pokémon characters.
葛西 真由
パルコ札幌は、Nintendo Switch のゲーム『Let’s Go! ピカチュウ,Let’s Go!イーブイ』とコラボレーショインしたカフェを“Guest, Café & Diner”にオープンさせました。このゲームは、1998年にゲームボーイソフトとして発売された『ポケットモンスターピカチュウ』をもとに、遊び方とシナリオを再構築したものです。Nintendo Switchと”Pokémon Go”の機能を組み合わせることで、全く新しい体験をすることができるポケットモンスターのゲームになっています。