Discover Vancouver, Canada

(Japanese translation below)
Everyone has heard of Vancouver. The Winter Olympic Games were held there in 2010. Mao Asada won the silver medal in figure skating and in 2017 Vancouver was chosen as one of the most livable cities in North America.
Vancouver has a population of 2.1 million, forming the third largest urban area in Canada. Canada is known as a country with many immigrants, and half of the population of Vancouver are from other countries. There are also many international students from Asia and South America. As a result, languages other than English can be heard throughout the city. The time difference between Vancouver and Japan is 16 hours, and the climate is similar to Hokkaido.
In the late nineteenth century, Vancouver began as a city from the settlement called Gastown in the corner of the present east side of downtown. People were leaving Vancouver due to deterioration of security for a while, but in recent years redevelopment has progressed by building new buildings and by renovating older structures into fashionable boutiques and restaurants along stone pavements. It has become a vibrant city again. There is a souvenir shop and a steam powered clock where tourists gather.
On the other hand, there are still many homeless people on the sidewalks begging for money. Vancouver has a mild temperature and homeless people come to Gastown from all over Canada.
English Bay is a highly recommended sightseeing spot. It’s on Beach Street on the west side near downtown. In summer, visitors sunbathe, read books, roller blade, cycle, skate board, and run marathons at English Bay Beach while local people can walk their dogs, making it a place of relaxation for citizens. Driftwood benches are lined up on the beach and many people relax there. As the sunset is beautiful, it’s recommend to go there in the afternoon.
The flight time from Japan to Vancouver is approximately 10 hours. The people are very kind and people of different races have a good relationship. Vancouver has many appealing aspects; the downtown where skyscrapers and towers reach up to the sky, the beaches and mountains, places where you can feel nature and sightseeing spots where many tourists visit.
日本からバンクーバーまでの飛行時間は約10時間です。人々はとても親切で、異なる人種の人々も良好な関係を築いています。 高層ビルや塔が並ぶダウンタウンばかりでなくビーチや山々もあり、自然を感じることができる場所や多くの観光客が訪れる観光スポットも多く、バンクーバーには沢山の魅力があります。