By Shin Kawahara
(Japanese translation below)

AMU CHOCO is a local cafe located in Higashi-Ku, Sapporo. The cafe has many kinds of sweets, including gateau chocolate, pound cake, Baumkuchen (similar to layer cake), and sweets using local ingredients. In addition, they serve delicious coffee and aromatic tea. Amazingly, you can also learn how to knit at the cafe. If you like working with fabric, AMU CHOCO may be a good cafe for you.
Maki Kisone, the owner, explained the origin of the name, why they teach knitting at the cafe and why the cafe’s sweets are all gluten-free. Impressively, the origin of the cafe’s name is AMU (knitting) CHOCO (chocolate). Kisone seems to be a bit of a comedian by combining two totally different things into one shop. She also employs family members to help run the shop. Her mother and sister teach knitting. Kisone wanted to introduce knitting to young people, so she started a cafe where anyone could learn to knit while eating sweets and drinking tea or coffee.
The cafe features all gluten-free sweets. This is great for people who are allergic to wheat. Since Kisone is allergic to wheat, it was important for her to make gluten-free sweets. She had to test production many times because of her allergy. She continues to make sweets without wheat. This is valuable information for someone who likes sweets.
The sweets on sale are displayed according to the season. For example, strawberry gateau chocolates are on display in the spring. In summer, sweets made with peaches are on display. In the fall, pumpkin shimmy pudding is on sale. In this way, the cafe keeps the customers coming back for more. You shouldn’t underestimate the cafe’s sweets because they are gluten-free. When you take one bite, you can’t stop eating them.
AMU CHOCO is located in Sapporo at Shiroishi 1-Jo, 1-Chome. It takes about seven minutes on foot from the Tozaisen Higashi Sapporo Subway Station. The shop is open from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The last order is from 6:00 p.m. The fabric classroom is from 11:00 a.m.5:30 p.m. The shop is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. If you reserve a seat, you can have a drink from 11:00 a.m. You can also pick up a cake you have ordered in advance from 11:00 a.m.
川原 心
AMU CHOCO は、札幌市東区に位置する地元のカフェです。そのカフェでは、地元の食材を使用した、ガトーショコラやパウンドケーキ、バームクーヘン(レイヤーケーキに似たもの)など多くの種類のスイーツがあります。さらには、美味しいコーヒーと香り高い紅茶を提供しています。驚くべきことに、そのカフェでは、編み物を学ぶことができるのです!もし編み物をすることが好きならば、AMU CHOCO はあなたにとってとっても良いカフェとなるでしょう。
AMU CHOCO のオーナーである木曽麻希さんは、カフェの名前の由来や、なぜカフェで編み物を教えているのか、なぜこのカフェのスイーツは全てグルテンフリーなのかについて説明してくれました。注目すべきは、そのカフェの名前です。AMU(編む)CHOCO(チョコレート)と掛けているそうです。一つのことに二つの意味を重ねているので、木曽さんは少しコメディアンの素質があるのかもしれません。
AMU CHOCO は、札幌市白石区東札幌一条一丁目、地下鉄東西線、東札幌駅から歩いて7分の場所に位置します。お店は、午後1時から午後7時までオープンしています。ラストオーダーの時間は午後6時です。編み物教室は午前11時30分から午後17時30分まで開講しています。お店の定休日は月曜日と木曜日です。もしあなたがお席を予約した際には、午前11時からドリンクを飲むことができます。また、前もってケーキを予約した際にも、午前11時から受け取りをすることができます。