Hokkaido Shrine
(Japanese translation below)
By Honoka Kumagai
Hokkaido Shrine is the most famous shrine in Sapporo, Hokkaido. In 1869, the three gods, Okunitama no Kami, Onamuchi no Kami, and Sukunahito no Kami, were enshrined as three pioneering gods. It is also said to be the strongest power spot in Sapporo.
At Hokkaido Shrine, they offer prayers for family safety, exorcisms, safe deliveries, Hatsumiya pilgrimage, Shichi-Go-San pilgrimage, car purification, and passing examinations. Hokkaido Shrine also holds various events. It is the most visited shrine in Hokkaido on New Year's. During the New Year, many stalls are open, and you can enjoy them. In February, a bean-throwing event to drive out demons is generally held on Setsubun, and shrines in Hokkaido perform exorcisms around this time.
From April to May, cherry blossoms bloom and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing. Hokkaido Shrine and Maruyama Park have long been popular cherry blossom viewing spots in Sapporo. There are about 1,100 cherry trees at the Hokkaido Shrine, including Ezoyamazakura, Somei-yoshino and Yaezakura cherry trees. Stalls are set up during the blooming season.

In June, there is a festival at the Hokkaido Shrine. The Hokkaido Shrine annual festival is also called the Sapporo Festival, and many stalls are set up not only in the Hokkaido Shrine, but also in Nakajima Park, and the whole city of Sapporo transforms into a festive mood. The Sapporo Festival is held every year for three days from June 14th to June 16th. On the last day, a portable shrine is carried around the town.
Shichi-Go-San in Honshu takes place on November 15th, but in Sapporo and parts of Hokkaido, the Shichi-Go-San pilgrimage is held in October. Shichi-Go-San is a unique Japanese event to celebrate the growth of children. It’s a celebration for boys aged three and five, and girls aged three and seven. That’s why it is called Shichi-Go-San (seven-five-three).
As you can see, Hokkaido Shrine is crowded with various events in spring, summer, autumn and winter. It doesn’t cost anything to visit Hokkaido Shrine, so please go there.
熊谷 穂花