The Art and Legacy of Keith Haring
By Koutaro Mori
(Japanese translation below)

Have you ever heard of Keith Haring? He was one of the leading street graffiti artists in the 1980s. His artwork is comical and simple. His work consists of murals and objects in various countries. He was also involved in many social activities for the eradication of AIDS and for helping poor children. However, he died of AIDS at the age of 31.
Why did Haring become famous as an artist? He painted his graffiti in the New York city train station. This activity is called “subway drawing,” and through this activity he appealed to people about various social issues. His artwork was popular with commuters. The most famous work at that time was Radiant Baby. The meaning of the work is that the baby is the perfect image of humanity and a symbol of the future. His artwork made him famous throughout the world.
Haring started his solo exhibition at the Westbeth Gallery. This exhibition was a success, and he got many offers from various industries. His activities include not only the art industry, but also the music and fashion industries. He designed many music album covers and he also designed one of Madonna’s costumes.

He was also involved in many social activities for nuclear disarmament, LGBT awareness and eradication of AIDS. Haring was openly gay. In those days, AIDS patients were more likely to be gay, so some people said AIDS is a gay disease. He created the artwork Safe Sex to raise awareness for AIDS. He was also active in Japan. In 1983, he held his first solo exhibition at the Watari Museum in Tokyo. He also opened the first Pop Shop in New York City.
In 1988, Haring got AIDS. The following year, he established The Keith Haring Foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to raise awareness of poor children and AIDS. He created the artwork to raise awareness for AIDS to the government. Fear is the artwork he created before he passed away. The work is based on three wise monkeys. The meaning of the three wise monkeys comes from the proverb “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” His art is still influential to this day.
森 耕太朗
キース・ヘリングについて聞いたことがありますか?彼はストリート・ グラフィティ アーティストの 代表的な1 人でした。彼の作品はコミカルでシンプルです。彼の作品はさまざまな国で石碑や壁画を作っています。そして彼は、エイズの撲滅とむずしい子供のための多くの社会活動にも参加しました。しかし、彼はエイズにより31歳で亡くなりました。
ほかにも彼は、核放棄、LGBT の差別撤廃、エイズの撲滅など多くの社会活動にも参加しました。ヘリングは自身がゲイであると公表していました。当時、エイズ患者は同性愛者である割合が高かったため、エイズは同性愛者の病気だという人もいました。彼はエイズに対する意識をもたせるために『セーフ・セックス』という作品を制作しました。彼は日本でも活躍していました。1983年、東京のワタリウム美術館で日本初の個展を開催。 他にも彼は、ニューヨーク市に最初のポップショップをオープンしました。