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Iwamizawa SUNNY TRAIN REVUE 2018

Writer's picture: Phillip RadcliffePhillip Radcliffe

(Japanese translation below)

The music festival SUNNY TRAIN REVUE was held in Iwamizawa on July 28. This music festival was sponsored by STV, a TV station in Sapporo. The festival opened at 11 a.m. and started at 1 p.m.

The advance ticket price was ¥7,020.

Preschool children were free. The ticket on that day was 8,640. This music festival was held at the outdoor music venue Kitaon in Iwamizawa Park. Kitaon is a well-known music venue in Hokkaido. Nine fantastic artists performed at the SUNNY TRAIN REVUE including Kishidan, Golden Bomber, C&K, and many more.

The SUNNY TRAIN REVUE coincided with the Dosanko Mirai Festival, which was also sponsored by STV to celebrate 60 years since it was established. The Dosanko Mirai Festival was held for two days on July 27 and 28 and was free. There were a variety of performances and guests, for example, the popular comedy duo Sandwichman, SHOKICHI from the group EXILE, Takashi Hosokawa and many others. Moreover, there were many Hokkaido local dishes because these events turn out large numbers people.

Iwamizawa is a little far from Sapporo, so transportation is difficult if you don’t have a car. However, STV ran shuttle buses between Odori Bus Center Station in Sapporo and Iwamizawa Park. It takes about 30 minutes and is very convenient. The shuttle prices are ¥1,500 for adults and \¥00 for students.

SUNNY TRAIN REVUE also sold official goods. There are official Iwamizawa T-shirts printed with all the performers’ names, towels, rubber bracelets and so on. Moreover, many of the artists exhibited and sold their original works of art. Many goods sold out quickly. The official goods were well-received by attendees.

At these events you can see famous artists close up. Many said that they hope another one is held again next year as well. STV holds many other events. If you find an STV event in the future you should make an effort to attend.


安藤 瑞季

7月28日に岩見沢でSUNNY TRAIN REVUEというミュージックフェスティバルが開催された。このミュージックフェスティバルのスポンサーはSTVという札幌のテレビ局だ。フェスティバルは午前11時に開場、午後1時に開演した。前売り券は7,020円で、小学生未満は無料で入場できる。当日券は8,640円だ。このフェスティバルの開場は岩見沢公園のキタオンという野外音楽ステージだ。キタオンとは北海道で有名な音楽ライブの会場だ。SUNNY TRAIN REVUEでは、氣志團や、ゴールデンボンバー、C&Kなどを含む9つの豪華なアーティストが出演した。

SUNNY TRAIN REVUEはSTVの設立60周年を記念して、STV 主催のどさんこみらいフェスと同時に行われていた。どさんこみらいフェスは7月27日、28日の二日間行われ、入場料は無料だった。このフェスは様々なパフォーマンスがあり、有名なお笑いコンビのサンドウィッチマンや、EXILEのSHOKICHI、細川たかしなど多数のゲストが出演した。さらに、イベント会場にはたくさんの北海道ローカルフードが出店しており、多くの人がイベントへ訪れた。


また、SUNNY TRAIN REVUEはオフィシャルグッズの販売もした。全ゲストの名前が入った岩見沢会場限定のTシャツやタオル、ラバーバンドなど様々だ。さらに、各アーティストもオリジナル作品を展示、販売した。多くのグッズは早々に売り切れた。公式グッズは来場者に好評だった。



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