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  • Writer's picturePhillip Radcliffe

Universities Dance-Off for Arukita Cup

(Japanese translation below)

The Arukita Cup tournament consists of college dancers from Hokkaido. There are five to eight people in each crew, and they compete against each other to decide the strongest university dance group in Hokkaido. This year the tournament was held for the 5th time on Saturday, July 6.

The tournament took place at JINX Sapporo, which was built this year. The event began at 1:00 p.m. and ended at 7:00 p.m. Both advanced tickets and day tickets were ¥1,000 and you also had to pay ¥500 for one drink. This event wasn’t only dance battles, there were also some showcases. The wining team gets the winner’s cup and ¥100,000 prize money.

They also get a free ticket to the Red Bull BC One Cypher Japan to be held in Hakodate on August 18. What’s more, they also get to participate in the KING DANCE MATSURI 9, which is the biggest Hokkaido street dance event at Zepp Sapporo on November 23 and 24. The second place team gets ¥50,000 prize money. There are also special prizes.

All of the dancers always practice so hard, so you can watch smooth, rhythmical and cool dances. If you like dance, you have to go to this event! It will be very exciting and fun. This event is held every year, so if you missed this year, you should go next year!


森田 怜依


トーナメントは今年新しくできたばかりのJINX Sapporoです。このイベントは午後1時にはじまり、午後7時に終わります。当日券と前売り券はどちらも¥1,000で、ワンドリンク¥500も払わないといけません。このイベントはダンスバトルだけに限らず、いくつかの演技披露もあります。そして、優勝したチームは優勝カップと賞金10万円を得ることができます。

また、8月18日に函館で開催されるRed Bull BC One Cypher Japanへの観戦チケットを手にします。それだけでなく、優勝チームには11月23日と24日に Zepp Sapporo にて開催される、北海道で一番大きなストリートダンスイベント、KING DANCE MATSURI 9 への出場権も得ることができます。そして準優勝のチームには優勝賞金5万円が授与され、ほかにも特別賞などがあります。



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