Junichi Kato: An Unusual YouTuber
By Shintaro Ikee
(Japanese translation coming soon.)
After a disorienting national shutdown, many of us are now stuck at home a lot more than we’re used to, so we need to entertain ourselves at home. YouTube is a good way to spend your time. Who do you think is the most entertaining YouTuber? Hikakin? No. Seikin? No! Of course, it is Junichi Kato.
Kato is mostly streaming on YouTube, so please visit his channel “jun channel.” Probably you can enjoy live streaming, but it’s better to watch his archive videos first. Here are some recommendations:
Inazuma Eleven
Koshien V

Inazuma Eleven might be one of the most popular soccer games in Japan, but as you may know it’s kind of weird. In the game, there are many characters who love playing soccer, but they can fly, set a soccer ball on fire, summon a dragon, and kick a ball into the earth from the universe. So it is crazy, isn’t it? However, Inazuma Eleven is pretty fun. Kato loves playing video games, especially weird & crazy games. This is what we call the best combination.

Amagami is the best dating simulation game ever. All the girl characters in the game are pretty cute, However, most guys are not into anime girls. Kato was also not interested in 2D girls, but one day he wanted to know what anime girls are like, so he played Amagami. This series is too long to see them all, but you won’t regret wasting your time.

Koshien V (Victory) is a normal baseball game. You can’t use fireballs, stop time, or anything unbelievable in this game, but you can enjoy this game a lot because this game has a ton of bugs. Let’s assume one of the players throws a ball to the catcher. If the game is playing as it should, the catcher will catch a ball. This is normal baseball. However, in this game, when the right fielder tries to save a run, they need to throw the ball to the catcher. However, the catcher just watches the ball coming, doesn’t move and just stays on the base. This bug makes the game more fun.
What do you think? There are more funny videos not included in this article, so please check them out yourself.