Tanno City Curry Rice Marathon
(Japanese Translation below)
By Kizuku Kunita

Have you ever heard of a marathon race where you don't compete for time or position? In a normal marathon, you compete for position and time, but the Tanno City Curry Rice Marathon race is different. In this Curry Rice Marathon, there is no competition for ranking or time, and there is no judging on the taste of the curry. However, it's a marathon where all participants have to do is make their own curry and eat it under a pleasant blue sky.
The Tanno Curry Rice Marathon is run by teams of four people, each with a different distance depending on their leg strength over four different courses: a curry roux course of 5 kilometers, a meat course of 4 kilometers, an onion and carrot course of 3 kilometers, and a potato course (a walking-only course) of 2 kilometers. The ingredients for our curry rice are freshly harvested local ingredients.
The purpose of running is not to compete for time or ranking, but to procure ingredients for curry and rice. If a runner gives up midway through, they might end up having curry without meat. After finishing the race, each team makes curry rice using the ingredients they got at the checkpoints along the way, and everyone on the team can enjoy the delicious curry and rice.
A costume contest is also held during the marathon with many teams participating in unique costumes. There is also a curry eating contest held on stage as an attraction, which is fun just to watch.
The Curry Rice Marathon runs through the surrounding countryside, with Tanno's baseball field as the main venue. Although the course is a paved road, you can enjoy the laid-back rural scenery typical of Hokkaido as you run past rice paddies and fields that have reached the autumn season. The pleasant sense of fulfillment and clear air of a marathon will transform the usual curry and rice into something much more delicious.
The first Tanno Curry Rice Marathon was held on October 10, 1986, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of Tanno. At that time, there was no commemorative event for Sports Day in Tanno, so the event was devised and has been held on Sports Day since 1998 and is currently held on the third Sunday of September.
Curry Rice is a food that everyone loves. You can participate in groups of four with your family and friends. Since the distances vary, people of all ages, from children to the elderly, can participate. The ingredients of potatoes, onions, carrots, and rice, are representative agricultural products of Tanno.
The first Curry Rice Marathon only had 36 teams participate, but the number of participating teams has increased with each successive year, now there are applications far exceeding the capacity of 200 teams, so a lottery is held every year and has grown into a very popular event. Some of the participants come from as far away as Fukuoka. Other applications from outside Hokkaido include Mie, Kanagawa, and Saitama prefectures, and some of those who come from outside Hokkaido participate with their families.
There was also an interest in holding a Curry Rice Marathon in Taiwan, so an event was held there in 2016. This Curry Rice Marathon has even spread overseas. In Taiwan, more than seven times as many applications as the capacity were submitted. Why not take part in the Curry Rice Marathon with your friends and family?
國田 基創
端野カレーライスマラソンは、4人1チームで、それぞれが脚力に応じて4つの異なるコース上で異なる距離を走ります。5キロのカレールーコース 4キロの肉コース 3キロの玉ねぎ&にんじんコース 2キロのいもコース(歩く専用コース)です。タイムや順位を競うレースではなく、カレーライスの材料は、地元の採れたての食材です。
第1回たんのカレーライスマラソンは、端野町開基90周年を記念して 1986年 (昭和61年)10月10日に開催されました。当時の端野町には、これと言った「体育の日」の記念行事が無かったことから、行事を発案し 1998年 (平成10年) までは「体育の日」に開催されました(現在は、9月の第3日曜日に開催)。
そして、また、台湾でもカレーライスマラソンをやりたいという事で、台湾でも 2016年 (平成28年) に1度開催されました。このカレーライスマラソンは、国外にも伝わっています。台湾では定員の7倍を超える申し込みが寄せられ、高い注目を集めました。是非皆さんも、友人や家族などと一緒にカレーライスマラソンに参加してみてはいかがでしょうか。